In order to be successful, you must be able to have a great relationship with yourself. No one knows ones struggle besides the person themselves. Therefore, you know exactly what you need that is important to your success. Having a great relationship comes with needing to have great communication throughout the journey. Being able to stay in communication with faculty members and university staff is crucial. Not only does building relationships with faculty members and university staff but also with student engagement. You can meet people through tutoring and career resources. The more people you can meet and build relationships with, the more you can narrow down to a strong core of relationships needed in your personal and professional life.
These relationships will be important to my success because it will allow me to stay open minded and learn great things from a diverse environment. Having a great relationship with your counselor and instructors is very important. A great way to build that relationship is to stay connected about your experience, grades, assignments, and resources. My plan is to also put some time for tutoring and volunteering in my field of study. The more you surround yourself with likeminded people the more you grow as an individual.